As an organisation that develops, manufactures and distributes bakery ingredients around the world, we are proud to have SEDEX membership across our local subsidiaries, underpinning our commitment to responsible business practices and reinforcing our strenghtening culture of sustainability.

SEDEX is one of the world’s leading ethical trade membership organisations, working to improve working conditions in global supply chains. They help companies improve their responsible and sustainable business practices and source responsibly.

Attaining SEDEX memberships across the world marks a commitment to transparency and accountability. SEDEX’s robust platform and solutions provide organisations with the practical tools, data analysis and business insights needed to operate ethically, source sustainably, and work with suppliers to protect people and the environment. This membership reinforces our dedication to creating a positive impact on the communities we operate i,n while ensuring the well-being of our employees.

By embracing SEDEX membership, we join a community of like-minded organisations striving for a more sustainable future. This collaborative effort allows us to learn from others, share best practices, and collectively address the challenges posed by today’s complex and interconnected world.

Benefits for our customers

  • Gain Visibility and Manage Risk: SEDEX provides access to a wealth of data and insights on your suppliers, enabling you to identify and manage potential risks related to labour standards, health and safety, environmental impact, and business ethics.
  • Streamline Supplier Management: The SEDEX platform simplifies the process of collecting, storing, and sharing ethical data with your suppliers, making it easier to monitor their performance and drive continuous improvement.
  • Meet Customer Expectations: Many large retailers and brands require their suppliers to be SEDEX members, so joining can help you meet customer demands for ethical sourcing and maintain a competitive edge.
  • Access a Global Network: SEDEX connects us with a vast network of businesses, industry experts, and resources, facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing on responsible sourcing practices.

SMETA, the world’s leading audit

SMETA is the world’s most widely used audit. Businesses use SMETA to understand and make improvements to working conditions and environmental performance in their business and supply chain.

SMETA helps us understand standards of labour, health and safety, environmental performance, and ethics within our own operations. It is designed to help protect workers from unsafe conditions, overwork, discrimination, low pay, and forced labour.

An increasing number of Bakels companies across the world are SMETA audited, further underlining our commitment to improving working conditions and environmental performance.

Find out more about our wider sustainability-related initiatives across the world by clicking here.

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